- BRF Stenbocken /
- The association
The board and the association
The BRF Stenbocken board consists of six board members and two deputy members who work to ensure the healthy state of the association and the well-being of all members in the building. Board meetings are held once a month, when we go through the association’s finances, members’ requests and other issues affecting the association. The board members are jointly and severally liable for ensuring that the board does what it’s supposed to do. The board represents the association externally. It enters into agreements on behalf of the association and signs on behalf of the association.
What is referred to as the principle of equal treatment is a key principle in a tenant-owners’ association and in all economic associations. That means that the general meeting or the board may not unfairly favour or discriminate against some members at the expense of the association or other members. The commission of trust is also about listening to how the members want to develop their housing and generating a feeling of well-being and a friendly atmosphere in the association.
The board of the association is required by law to submit an annual report consisting of a management report and a financial statement each year. It must be designed in accordance with the Tenant-Ownership Act, which in this case refers to the Act on Economic Associations. The board has a right to make decisions on all matters that are not required by law or in accordance with the statutes to be decided on by the members at a general meeting of the association.
Examples of matters that the members decide on together at the a general meeting of the association:
- New construction, extension or renovation of the property.
- Expansion of the association’s activities.
- Amendment of statutes.
- Election of the board and auditors.
- Adoption of the income statement and the balance sheet.
- Discharge from liability for the board and auditors.
- Fees and appropriation of earnings.